RMIM Puraskaar


लहरें (आएशा)
lahare.n (Aisha)

अमित त्रिवेदी जावेद अख़्तर अनुषा मणि, न्यूमन पिंटो, निखिल डि'सूज़ा  
2.92  2.47  2.70   
Amit Trivedi Javed Akhtar Anusha Mani, Neuman Pinto, Nikhil D'souza  
The jury says:

Beyond the already fabulous soundtrack of Aisha, this song emerges, albeit after we've gorged on the more massy tracks, as the soundtrack's best! -Karthik
लक्ष्य काकितनी बातें’ याद आता है सुनते हुए. नए माहौल में अमित त्रिवेदी फिर से अपने को साबित करते हैं. -मिहिर
The violin refrain at the beginning and elsewhere is the best part about the song , holds it well. 'kaliyaa.N murajhaa gaye?'- how did Javed Akhtar let that pass, or does it go with the prevailing laissez-faire attitude in these matters? -Vibhendu
Love this song. Lovely jazz/club arrangement. Cannot beat *real drums*! Amazing violin leads and counters. Splendid guitar (lead and rhythm both). Singer's is the perfect voice for this song. -Pranav
100 points for the violins and drums - beautiful tango between the two. -Shashi
The cello is haunting and the singing good and the combination makes for a very nice listening experience indeed. Proper Urdu talaffuz no longer seems to be a pre-requisite for singers :-( and I've chosen to ignore the singer's mispronunciations even though it pains my poor heart so! -UVR
I liked that the song conveys melancholy sans melodrama. -Shalini
The simplicity of the song captured my attention. Beautifully laid out with the violin piece streaming back and forth and nice chords. -Sowmya
Nice use of the violin. -Gajendra

नोट: अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. यानी एक आम या औसत प्रदर्शन को 0 अंक ही मिलेंगे. अगर वह औसत से बेहतर है तभी उसे कोई अंक मिलेगा.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there.

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विनय प्र जैन. प्रतिक्रियाएँ giitaayan at gmail dot com पर भेजें. फरवरी 2011.