
अरमान मलिक, ओफ़्फ़ अभिरुचि चंद अरमान मलिक, ओफ़्फ़  
1.84  1.56   1.91   
Armaan Malik, OAFF Abhiruchi Chand Armaan Malik, OAFF  
Jury comments

OAFF's distinch style of electronic production for pop music broadens its portfolio here, with the vocals finding a cleaner mid-space to grow out of and anchor the words, which are simple yet intelligent. -Shasank

So much of the vocals get dumbed down in mutliple tracks and music and synthesization. -Neha

This song has nothing going for it. -Ketan

गानों को अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. केवल औसत से बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए अंक हैं. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
*: गाने के इस गुण का मूल्यांकन नहीं किया गया है.

The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.
*: This attribute of the song was not rated.

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Vinay P Jain. Feedback to giitaayan at gmail dot com. February 2024.