RMIM Puraskaar


होस्साना (एक दीवाना था)
hossaanaa (Ekk Deewana Tha)

ए आर रहमान जावेद अख़्तर लियोन डिसूज़ा, सुज़ैन डिमेलो  
2.05  1.09  1.81   
A R Rahman Javed Akhtar Leon D'Souza, Suzanne D'Mello  
Jury comments

I have heard the original and for some reason the song doesn't crossover into Hindi film easily. It's a beautiful composition in its original avatar. Maybe it is the forcefitting of Hindi words that ruins it -Subrat

ARR avargaLe: enough already with the autotune “effect”! -UVR

Perfect example of how average lyrics and ordinary music cannot make a good song even if the voices singing it are good -Nishant

Arrangements of the song, dreamy in the texture, are beautiful, and make the most of the song alongwith the singing. -Harshit

Controversy over this trivial song! -Ashok

गीत का मुखड़ा अच्छा है ,पर आगे अपनी पकड़ कमज़ोर कर जाता है. -Vikas

Love the tune. -Vinayakam

It lost me at the English lyrics. The repetition of "hossaanaa" is beautifully done though. -Shalini

नोट: अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. यानी एक आम या औसत प्रदर्शन को 0 अंक ही मिलेंगे. अगर वह औसत से बेहतर है तभी उसे कोई अंक मिलेगा. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.

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विनय प्र जैन. प्रतिक्रियाएँ giitaayan at gmail dot com पर भेजें. फरवरी 2013.