RMIM Puraskaar


इक्क कुड़ी (उड़ता पंजाब)
ikk ku.Dii (Udta Punjab)

अमित त्रिवेदी शिव कुमार बटालवी शाहिद माल्या  
2.94  5.00  3.24   
Amit Trivedi Shiv Kumar Batalvi Shahid Mallya  
Jury comments

Standard rendition. Can't judge Panjabi poetry. -Ashok

Simple melody, simple arrangement. But you realise its beauty when you suddenly find yourself under a starry night. The song transports you there. Batalvi's poem done right. -Anup

Smooth voice. -Vaishali

Credit to the musicians for composing the poem into such an easy-going song. -Harshit

A big hand for resuscitating the great Batalvi poem with such spirit. Works in wonderful fashion in the film as well. -Raja

Discernibly melodious tune, clean and sincere singing. -Armeen

Poetry raises the bar for this album. -Naresh

Amit Trivedi not only has a gorgeously melancholic tune, but gets Shahid Mallya and Diljit Dosanjh, for two versions! While Shahid’s variant is soulful, Diljit’s vocals and rock coating offers a lot more to the verse. -Karthik

A gentle romantic track - good contrast to the other songs in the album. -Ramanand

The lyrics are well suited to the storyline, the singing is good and the light arrangement blends well. A pleasing composition. -Subrat

Just when I thought 2016 was going to be a musical washout, this song comes up. Beautiful melody, simply orchestrated (that whistling!) to showcase the soulful lyrics and haunting rendition. I'm guessing it shares "raaga" bones with "aye sakhi Radhike" which it reminds me of a bit. Anything that evokes the loRD is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. :-). -Shalini

नोट: गानों को अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. यानी एक आम गाने को कोई अंक नहीं दिया गया. केवल औसत से बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए अंक हैं. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.

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विनय प्र जैन. प्रतिक्रियाएँ giitaayan at gmail dot com पर भेजें. फरवरी 2017.