RMIM Puraskaar
मेहरम (जर्सी)
meharam (Jersey)

सचेत-परम्परा शेल्ली सचेत टंडन  
2.36  2.38  2.25   
Sachet-Parampara Shellee Sachet Tandon  
Jury comments

Emosanal attyachar. -Nishant

Too much autotune. Nothing in the song resonated with me. -UVR

Voice an Arijit-Kailash Kher cross, sung abrasively for effect? I don't mind loud music with a purpose, but not finding it here. -Sanjeev

Sachet Tandon’s voice sounds phenomenal. -Suanshu

Sachet-Parampara hits the same high notes that worked so well in Kabir Singh! I thought the usage of the word 'mehram' was interesting here; perhaps used metaphorically to describe the lead character's relationship with cricket (something close but unattainable?). -Vishal

Very passable. -Meera

If the team wouldn't have tried to ape Bekhayali, it could have been better. -Aman

Though the lyrics are entirely in Punjabi, Shellee uses the kind of words and phrases, which apart from adding a lot of value to the song, would get on the listeners’ lips easily because of their sound. Sachet does fairly well as a singer but his stylized singing makes him mispronounce a few words (he pronounces “dhuaan-dhuaan” as “dua-dua”). -Anish

Guitar and grand declarations of love, what's not to like? -Sukanya

Good song with a bit of Bekhyali hangover. -Pankaj

नोट: गानों को अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. केवल औसत से बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए अंक हैं. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.

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Vinay P Jain. Feedback to giitaayan at gmail dot com. February 2022.