RMIM Puraskaar
लहरा दो (83)
laharaa do (83)

प्रीतम कौसर मुनीर अरिजित सिंह  
2.64  2.37  2.62   
Pritam Kausar Munir Arijit Singh  
Jury comments

Pritam on autopilot and Arijit in full form in this one. -Sumi

Sounds like a mish-mash of so many of such songs one has heard in the past. -Anish

The film needed an unforgettable track like Chak De India, but still Pritam makes a decent effort to mix patriotism and sports together. -Aman

Does well as an inspirational, patriotic song. -Vaishali

Arijit Singh sings it very well, but the tune is just short of ordinary. -Suanshu

Love how the qawalli-esque theka smoothly transcends into dhol based celebration. -Anup

Crowd pleasing in the best way possible. Goosebumps guaranteed. -Sukanya

The Dhol beats and the chorus make the song more lively. -Pankaj

A good song, but sounds a bit too sappy to be a worthy successor to something like "chak de India" which is the right sentiment for this song (both given the scene in the film, as well as if it were a standalone song intended to inspire a team to do its best for the country). -UVR

Standard number of its type. -Shalini

Lingers. Emotional appeal. -Nidheesh

Would have been an interesting experiement to hear what an unconventional voice could have added to this song. -Meera

Nice "stadium full of fans" effect - did not see the qawwali twist coming, but works better than I expected. Arijit is very comfortable in the sustained high register. -Sanjeev

Loud predictable fare. -Nishant

I did like the unexpected turn to qawwali-style lines, but the hook ('lehra do') didn't quite work for me. -Vishal

नोट: गानों को अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. केवल औसत से बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए अंक हैं. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.

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Vinay P Jain. Feedback to giitaayan at gmail dot com. February 2022.