RMIM Puraskaar


जो मैं जानती ... प्रीत (ख़ूबसूरत)
jo mai.n jaanatii ... priit (Khoobsurat)

स्रेहा ख़ानवलकर अमिताभ वर्मा जसलीन रॉयल  
2.85  2.89  2.87   
Sneha Khanwalkar Amitabh Verma Jasleen Royal  
Jury comments

Delectable take on an age-old classic. -Zafar

Obviously a situational/background song, but nursery-rhyme like tune - for effect? Voice following suit? Not following the rationale for even nominating this one. Screaming background sounds a little twisted, behind the childlike lead vocals -Sanjeev

This song epitomizes what I mean by "hat ke" or special song. Amazingly haunting melody and arrangement with a distinct oriental feel. Beautifully sung with right punch at the right time. Not over-arranged. Just perfect. -Pranav

औसत गीत -यूनुस

साल के सबसे प्रयोगशील अौर उम्दा गीतों में से एक। संगीत में कोरस के इको के माध्यम से 'बियाबान' की रचना कैसा गज़ब का प्रयोग है। अौर जसलीन से इसे गवाना मास्टरस्ट्रोक था। तरुण लड़की की अावाज़ में जो 'पहली बार' दिल टूटने का भाव शामिल हुअा है, वो न होता गर इसे गाने वाली खुद एक तरुण लड़की न होती। -मिहिर पं.

Nice arrangement but the female and 'kid' sounding vocals are very soporific. The lyrics are pretty nice. Can't listen more than once! -Sowmya

Refreshing approach to a song, sounds like a fresh of breath air in-between all Arijits :) -Meera

Lovely tune- a light, fluffy and soothing track -Sunil

Interesting composition sung well by Jasleen -Arun

Sneha Khanwalkar hardly ever disappoints. Her tapestry of sounds is simply magical. I love this song. The lyrics are different too! -Hemendra

It may sound bizarre in the first listen but sooner or later you would find yourself immersed into this haunting melody. Easily one of the best tracks of the year. A song that showcases Sneha’s out-of-the-box thinking. She mixes Jasleen’s delicate voice with a haunting (Rajasthani-sounding) chorus and also throws in some pieces of Sarangi & Claps in between. Amitabh Verma deserves a special mention for the interesting lyrics. -Mihir M

The song shows complete lack of creativity on all fronts -Ketan

नोट: अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. यानी एक आम या औसत प्रदर्शन को 0 अंक ही मिलेंगे. अगर वह औसत से बेहतर है तभी उसे कोई अंक मिलेगा. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.

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विनय प्र जैन. प्रतिक्रियाएँ giitaayan at gmail dot com पर भेजें. जनवरी 2015.