RMIM Puraskaar


दिल दर-ब-दर (ये साली ज़िंदगी)
dil dar-ba-dar (Yeh Saali Zindagi)

निशात ख़ान स्वानंद किरकिरे शिल्पा राव, जावेद अली  
2.09  1.97  2.28   
Nishat Khan Swanand Kirkire Shilpa Rao, Javed Ali  
Jury comments

Shilpa Rao has a pleasing voice apt for popular songs. Here we have a switch to traditional - which makes her rendition even more interesting. Javed Ali providing the more rustic pieces. Interesting transition to western classical - this song seems designed to showcase Shilpa Rao's vocals. Nishat Khan shows immense promise as composer. -Shashi
The beginning is okay but it gets much better later. Sounds like a jazz attempt. The male singer is good. -Malini
Marks for singing primarily to Shilpa. -Vipin
Interesting tune with some conspicuously middle-eastern undertones. Sung well, but the overzealous arrangement with all the various styles of orchestration added nothing to the song. Reminded me of the TVLand commercial where the I Love Lucy theme was rendered in 10 different musical styles including the 'hippie' sitaar. -Armeen
शिल्पा राव की गायकी और स्वानंद के बोल गीत की ख़ासियत हैं. निशात ख़ान की रचना और वाद्य संयोजन असरदार है मगर जावेद अली के वोकल्स के साथ उनका प्रयोग सही नहीं लगता है और मूल गीत के असर को कम करता है. जावेद अली वाला भाग बहुत कुछ फ़ना के 'सुभान अल्लाह' की याद दिलाता है. -Pavan
This song doesn't come together at all. Javed sounds like an oddball chiming in between. -Sowmya
Call me biased, but I get terribly put off by songs where singers sing Hindi with an affected manner the female in this case. -Aditya
Not sure why Shilpa Rao is singing in what sounds like a falsetto. Javed Ali on the other hand sounds like a man who accidently put the shower faucet on cold- on a winter morning. -Ketan
Shilpa Rao braves the twists and turns of the song while Javed Ali tries to set things off-kilter with his rendition of the central idea of the song; there's an orchestral segue at 2:40 to complicate the path of this song before normalcy returns; a voyage of discovery indeed. -George

नोट: अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. यानी एक आम या औसत प्रदर्शन को 0 अंक ही मिलेंगे. अगर वह औसत से बेहतर है तभी उसे कोई अंक मिलेगा. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.

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विनय प्र जैन. प्रतिक्रियाएँ giitaayan at gmail dot com पर भेजें. फरवरी 2012.