RMIM Puraskaar


दिल में जो ... जाने दो ... बातें शुरू (मुझसे फ़्रेंडशिप करोगे)
dil me.n jo ... jaane do ... baate.n shuruu (Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge)

रघु दीक्षित अन्विता दत्त गुप्तन जोई बरुआ, शेफ़ाली अल्वारिस  
2.02  1.41  1.69   
Raghu Dixit Anvita Dutt Guptan Joi Barua, Shefali Alvaris  
Jury comments

Starts with a bass that simply keeps getting addictive - octopads, guitars and some cowbell and other percussion effects. Wonder if Shefali is nasal or if this a forced accent to sound "cool". Joi Barua rescues the song. Overall likeable for the bass. -Shashi
Youthful tune which sees a fabulous usage of guitars, especially the basslines. -Vipin
One more 'western' sounding number with funky 'bindaas' accent/approach, but doesn't work. -Armeen
Nice tune, and the singing is very lively as well. -Ketan
Very nice use of the guitar, a nice easy melody and great singing by Joy Barua and Shefali Alvares. -George

नोट: अंक केवल श्रेष्ठता के लिए दिए गए हैं. यानी एक आम या औसत प्रदर्शन को 0 अंक ही मिलेंगे. अगर वह औसत से बेहतर है तभी उसे कोई अंक मिलेगा. हर श्रेणी में अधिकतम अंक 5 हैं.
Note: The ratings/scores are on a positive-only scale. This means that an average performance gets a zero and the ratings go up from there. Maximum 5 marks per category.

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विनय प्र जैन. प्रतिक्रियाएँ giitaayan at gmail dot com पर भेजें. फरवरी 2012.